Friday 6 August 2010


If you like your Krautrock you'll be enthused to hear that NEU! have recently released a retrospective box set spanning their 30 year career.

It includes all three of the duo's studio albums Neu!, Neu! 2 and Neu!  '75 and a previously unreleased record Neu! 86  (god those sullen faced German's really were an excitable bunch with their over zealous use of exclamation marks). You also get a 18 minute (but of course!) single called Neu! '72, a download code, a 36 page booklet with some pics of the happy chappies, a Neu! t-shirt and a stencil of the Neu! logo and some Crayola. Nah you don't really get Crayola.

There's a lot of pretentious shit talked about Neu!, but if you like minimalist electronica mixed with a bit of brooding prog rock in the vein of Can then you'll dig Neu!

Here's 'Hallogallo' from their first album, enjoy:

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