Thursday, 12 August 2010


Here's the video for MIA's new single 'XXXO'- featuring a notably vamped up MIA in a number of outfits set against naff backgrounds. The song is 'as wake as dishwater' to be honest, but I kinda like it's slacker sensibility. It's not really doing much, but is something wishey-washy that you could hum along to. Kinda guessed that she'd go for something inoffensive after the last video was banned. What the hell was going on there? Political statement my arse. (Now that I think of it, this song sucks too).

The backlash against MIA now is perhaps inevitable, here's the article in The New York Times that started it all-

We all knew she could never sing, but I think it's just grating thin now that she's living an uber charmed lifestyle being married to mega rich Benjamin Bronfman- talking about going to New York's Met ball with her 'girlfriends' and in the next breath talking about fighting for political issues she doesn't seem to fully grasp.  

I haven't heard the new album MAYA yet, but it's getting terrible reviews all over the shop. I loved her last two albums though, so maybe she'll get back on her game for album no. 4. 

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